Enari Gallery, Amsterdam, NL
16/03/2024 - 13/04/2024
Weather, an ever-present force, emerges prominently in our consciousness when it diverges from the unexpected. Thomas Geyer and Lydia Hamblet dive into the notion of atmospheric ambiance, each infusing their distinctive artistic practices with a unique perspective. Breeze delves into the mundane to pinpoint the nostalgia associated with specific moments. The exhibition invites us to look into blissful leisure echos when the weather surrounding us significantly impacts the memories we are left with.
All images c/o Enari Gallery.
Burst, Oil and Oil Pastel on Canvas, 160cm x 130cm, 2024
Installation view: Thomas Geyer (left), Lydia Hamblet (right)
Installation view: Thomas Geyer (left), Lydia Hamblet (right)
Childlike Manners, Oil and Oil Pastel on Canvas, 30cm x 25cm, 2024.
Window, Oil and Oil Pastel on Canvas, 30cm x 25cm, 2024.
Pink Quartz, Oil on Canvas, 30cm x 25cm, 2024.
Poisoned Violets, Oil on Canvas, 130cm x 100cm, 2024.
Under the Glassy Wave, Oil and Oil Pastel on Canvas, 130cm x 100cm, 2024.
Summer in the Big Tent, Oil on Canvas, 130cm x 100cm, 2024.